Homemade Chili Oil


You’ll start putting this shi* on everything.

I love chili oil because it’s so versatile and crazy delicious. I couldn’t find any in store that were made with a good quality oil and that had SCD friendly ingredients so I made my own. Takes about five minutes, no joke, and you can make as much or as little as you want. It’ll last forever in your pantry and will spice any dish from eggs, soups and curries, to dressings. Just about anything, really. It’s amazing. Give it a try!



1 Cup Avocado Oil
1 Tbsp Ginger, chopped
1 Tbsp Garlic, crushed
2 Tbsp Gochujang Flakes (Korean Chili Flakes)
2 Tbsp Red Pepper Flakes*
1/2 tsp Salt


Add avocado oil to a large pan and heat on medium for 5 minutes until you can feel the heat coming off it (without touching it, obviously). If you have a thermometer, you want to get oil between 350-400 degrees.

While oil is heating, add all of the other ingredients into a ceramic bowl or a dish that can take high heat. This is very important because you’re going to be pouring very hot oil into it and you don’t want it to explode and it will if it can’t take 350-400 degree heat. Air on the side of, can you put this bowl in the oven? If yes, it’s a good dish to use.

Take oil off heat and very gently and cautiously (!!) pour the oil into the bowl or dish with ingredients. Watch that baby sizzle. Let sit for about 10 minutes until mixture has cooled. Give it a little mix then transfer to a jar or glass container. Store at room temperature with your other oils.

*You can always add more chili flakes if you want it super spicy.


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