
A little about me

I found out I had Crohn’s Disease when I woke up in the hospital after going in for an emergency, exploratory surgery. The doctor told me they had to remove two feet of my small intestine because it got so inflamed from Crohn’s, it literally burst a hole through my intestine. I had been having digestive issues for years prior and ended up in the hospital a few times before this but doctors all told me similar things, it was a stomach flu or food poisoning. They would prescribe me all sorts of medications for nausea, antacids, or extra strength Tylenol and send me on my way.

After my diagnosis and two major surgeries on my small intestine later, I went into the Nutritional Therapy program because I felt there was an easier, holistic way to heal. I had no idea just how powerful nutrition would be on my journey to health. I wanted to be educated for myself but in the process, found out so many people are struggling with digestive issues and I wanted to help. It’s hard to navigate all the information out there so I decided to put all my knowledge and love into one place. Cooking is so relaxing to me and I wanted to show how easy and simple good gut cooking can be. Hope you enjoy the recipes!,