SCD Rosemary Sea Salt Crackers


This girl shows up with her own homemade crackers and it’s not weird at all!

These suckers come in handy way more than you would think. I bring them everywhere with me as a snack. Yes, even to restaurants and parties if I know a cheese plate is going to be involved. I miss having snacky foods and these are pretty quick and easy to make. I’ll double or triple the recipe if I have travel or events coming up that I know I’ll need to smuggle in my own snacks. Plus who doesn’t love a good rosemary cracker? Everyone loves them is the correct answer.


1 Cup Almond Flour
1 Egg
1 Tbsp Fresh Rosemary, Chopped (2 Tbsp if using dried)
2 Tbsp Grass-Fed Butter, Melted
1/4 tsp Salt
Flaky Sea Salt to Sprinkle on Top


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine everything except flaky sea salt in a bowl and stir to combine. I always sift my almond flour to get all the lumps out but it is not required.

Chill the dough in the freezer for 30 minutes. Take out and place ball of dough onto a piece of parchment paper and place another piece of parchment paper on top. Roll out dough between papers with a rolling pin until you have a thin dough.

Peel off top parchment paper. Cut into desired cracker shape. I use a pizza cutter but a knife or round cookie cutter will work. No need to brake apart after cutting, they will snap apart easily after baking.

Transfer parchment paper with cut dough onto a baking sheet. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt and lightly press flakes into dough with hands (so they won’t fall off after baked).

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until edges start to turn brown. Take out of oven and let cool. Snap apart crackers and store in a glass jar or ziplock bag. You don’t need to refrigerate. Dip em, put cheese on em, eat em plain. Enjoy!


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