Blueberry Lavender Frozen Yogurt


I legit teared up when I tried this. Don’t tell ANYONE that I had an emotion!

I don’t really have a huge sweet tooth, if you can’t already tell by most of my dessert recipes have a savory component to them. I have no idea why but I’d much rather have a slice of bread with butter over candy but, it’s true! However, I will say being on this diet has me missing ice cream SO much. I wouldn’t have it often but for sure missing my monthly trips to Salt and Straw (the best ice cream in LA. Don’t @ me). I set out to make an scd frozen yogurt to hold me over. I made this flavor because I will literally jump at the chance to make anything lavender flavored, it’s my fave. I didn’t know what to expect but when I tasted this, I wanted to cry it was so good. I was so happy because when making scd substitutes for things, it often fails or just doesn’t come close to the real thing. I will no joke, make this even after this diet is done. It takes 5 minutes to make and you can use the base ingredients below (everything except blues and lavender) and add whatever flavor you adore most. Not going to lie, I think the texture would be better if I had a slow churn ice cream maker but whatever, I’ll take what I can get.


1 Cup Greek Yogurt (or dripped SCD yogurt*)
1/2 Can Coconut Cream
1 1/2 Cup Blueberries
2 Tbsp Lavender Leaves, Ground**
1/3 Cup Honey
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 tsp Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp Sea Salt


Place all ingredients into a food processor or blender setting aside 1/2 cup blueberries. Puree or blend on high until mixture is smooth.

I like a little chunk in my ice cream so I set aside 1/2 cup blueberries so they wouldn’t be completely blended in but that’s optional. Throw in the last 1/2 cup blueberries and quickly pulse food processor or blender 2-3 times. You just want to lightly chop blueberries, not puree them.

Transfer to a glass container or baking loaf pan and freeze. To serve, let it sit at room temperature for 5 or so minutes so it softens a bit and the flavors come back (or microwave if you’re impatient like me). You can also throw a scoop or two of this into a smoothie if that’s your thing! Enjoy!

*To make SCD greek yogurt, place yogurt into a cheese cloth and hang over night in the fridge with a bowl under to catch all the liquid. I use binder clips to attach the cloth to a shelf in my fridge and empty the bowl every so often as it fills up.

**I threw an entire bunch of lavender leaves, removed from stems, into the (dry) blender and ground them into a spice like consistency. I put them in a glass jar and stuck them in the freezer for future baking use.


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